Monday, January 14, 2013

日本の冒険!Week 26: Seeking Power through Faith 信仰を通して力を求める

Well. I wish I could tell you this week I experienced a vast change as far as success rates go. But I suppose it was not in God`s plan for this week. What I can tell you is God knows how to strengthen his servants. I think I will share with you my letter to president this week.

Well, it was another pretty rough week. We worked hard, we sought specific revelation, we strove to improve our efforts in every way we could think. We are preparing during our studies to teach the family that we will eventually find, but we just aren`t finding them yet.

It is interesting to note however, that during the hardest time of my mission so far, I have experienced perhaps the greatest strength to my faith. God works in mysterious ways, and he knows how to strengthen his servants I suppose. My testimony is stronger, my resolve is firmer, and my desires are focused on my purpose.

While becoming a greater person and missionary is great and all, I really hope that we will be able to participate in the work of God a little more in depth this week. I feel more and more prepared to do whatever it is he has prepared for me everyday. I know that God will recognize that preparation and bless us with a family to teach.

We are beginning to get family potential investigators here and there. It has really been our focus this transfer and last, and so we spend a large deal of our time talking to families. The next step is just finding a family who we can set up a lesson time with!

Well, big things are ahead.

Just think. Knock on a door. A stay at home Mom opens the door, with young children around her. The family lacks what is more important than any other obtainable thing in this world, the Gospel. The truth of a Father in Heaven who loves you. The constant support of the Holy Ghost to guide and protect you. The feeling of peace and safety that come when you know you can live together with your family forever. What would you tell her? How would you begin to describe the Joy and Truth that that family lacks? Where would you begin? It is something I think about all the time. I am in this circumstance hundreds of times a week. Sometimes I only have a few seconds. Sometimes a few minutes. How do I convey such a pure, beautiful truth in such a short time? How can I instill a desire to learn more about the greatness of our message in a few short minutes?

As I strive to answer this question, I have felt that Spirit direct my thoughts toward things that are important to understand when undertaking such a task. I knew, of course, that if a missionary has prepared adequately, that the spirit will fill the missionary with words to the `convincing of men`, but I never knew it could be a gradual thing. I feel closer to the spirit than before, and I can tell more of my words are influenced by the spirit than before. I find myself testifying with more power, teaching with application, and preaching with more confidence than before.

I am so grateful for this Gospel. Is it not the spawn of all truth? the origin of all blessings?  It was so easy to take it for granted when I was surrounded by people who knew the truth, experienced the light, tasted the fruit. But out here, it is so different. The people are great, very kind, humble and gracious. But they are missing what is greatest above all other things. The plain and simple truths that I have. How great is my calling.

Well, as I stated in my letter to president, big things are ahead. I ask for your prayers in that I`ll be able to teach a family the gospel. I`ll shoot a prayer your way in return. ^^

Thank you all for your love and support.

Love you all

Elder O`Reilly

Hey! a poster! 心から神を信じなさい。 Believe in God with all your heart.
 There is no sign of who put in there or anything,
but I saw these posters in Joyo as well.
 Different sayings though. No church name is on it.

We passed this cool demolition site one day. Way cool.
The thing on the end is like crazy powerful pliers.
 It just crushed things and cut off large sections of cement.

A large piece of cement in mid-air

At service they asked us to do calligraphy.  uhhh..... don`t know how
 this helps anyone, but OK! haha. It was my first shot at calligraphy.
  They were pretty impressed. haha. This one says 希望, hope.

信仰が山も動かす Faith moves even mountains.
A famous Japanese proverb. Pretty cool, right?
 Probably from ancient Japanese Nephi.

A package from Trevor this week:
A member's husband in Joyo made this plane from a model kit
and sent it to us. We got the package this week! So cool!
Thanks Kosaka! ^^

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