Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 76: We reached our goal!

**Note from Trevor's Mom: We all loved talking to Elder O'Reilly on the phone on Christmas day! It is the highlight of our Christmas to be able to be all "together" for an hour. He sounds so happy and is loving the work! It makes it easier for us at home knowing that he is working hard and loving it. He is so excited about their most recent convert who was "ridiculously prepared by the Lord". We are so thankful for Trevor's great example to our family and that he is able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Japan. **

Hey! it was an extremely uneventful week. Went to Niihama again for translation (woke up at 4 AM to get there Friday). Transfers came but the entire zone is all the same, just 2 elders are switching places and they are in different districts. Investigators were all busy.  Had several lesson appointments go through.


We reached our goal of 200 baptisms for the year of 2013!!! Smashing all kinds of records. TWO of the THIRTEEN we had this week were from our zones, that I had at least a little to do with. so pretty exciting. One was the guy we taught at church last Sunday.

Christmas was good, lots of junk food from family, friends, and the branch here. I have almost as much junk food as last year! haha. and some really cool stuff like a Japanese style bath robe that is pretty cool.

We`ve been helping out with the stake project a little. On Chirstmas eve, we filled out some records. All day. haha. For 5 hours I was just writing a bunch of names and addresses on countless records. But it was fun. ^^

Looking forward to another great transfer! The Lord is going to pour some serious blessings on Shikoku island.

love you all

Ok.... so get this. We went to the beach. I carved my name into the sand. but the cool part is..... I got a letter from our neighbors, the Haley`s. The Island behind me is Sister Haley`s Mother`s grandfather`s hometown! What are the chances! She said her mother took a ferry there every summer!


The Ferry!

I decided I really like the ocean! so pretty.

Christmas mayhem. 

I was so proud of myself for tying these bows. haha.

Some of the people who were at the Christmas English class party.

Day after Christmas breakfast. yum.  I could have made it look better but hey. haha.

Here is the district in Niihama! well, the sisters and half of the elder`s heads anyway. haha.

I love how Japan breaks away from conventional flavors and makes really good foods. These are possibly my favorite pringles. Kimchi flavor is also really good. This one is Wasabi mayo.

I made a lot of gyoza today all at once. haha.

Investigator from Hirakata got baptized!

and he makes the most AWESOME Japanese santa I`ve ever seen.   !!!

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